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    You are starting an adult day care center. Now the ominous task of writing your own state specific policies and procedures emerges. Adult Day Care Group can save your money and your time. We can relieve your anxiety, stress and disappointment because we can provide your state specific policies and procedures that pass state approval for you. We will be responsible for any changes necessary. Our policies and procedures expert has successfully written policies that pass state approval for 12 years.

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    The Four Key Functions of Management in Healthcare: Planning, Organizing, Leading, and Controlling

    What are the four functions of management in healthcare? The particulars of each management stage – and how macro or micro they are – will depend on the level of management and the specific demands associated with that level. It's generally agreed that there are four key functions of management: planning, organizing, leading and controlling. These functions must co-operate and support one another in order to create, execute and deliver the healthcare organization’s goals. Let’s look at these four management functions in more detail, and consider the questions that healthcare managers will need to ask at each stage.   PLANNING Is a strategic, tactical or operational plan required? What are…

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    Adult day services provide stimulation for older Americans, and respite for full-time caregivers

    https://apnews.com/article/adult-day-care-long-term-older-americans-a64fd581f2a5cfe7c1e943341d69cb10?utm_source=Email&utm_medium=share Thousands of older Americans are in adult day services that provide safe, stimulating places for those who have physical or cognitive disabilities and also give respite to their caregiver.

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    Why adult day care can help you

    PLATTSBURGH, N.Y. (AP) — Sally White helps her husband of 46 years get dressed, fed and on the bus for the short ride from their home to Third Age Adult Day Center four mornings a week. Preparing 74-year-old Rodger White to leave the house for the day can be a chore since he’s been in declining health for more than a decade and has severe memory loss. “It’s like having a small child,” said Sally White, 78. “This long goodbye is hell. I’m exhausted. When he’s at Third Age, I clean the house and try to get errands done.” For thousands of older Americans like the Whites, Third Age Adult…

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    The following words and terms, when used in this chapter, shall have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise: “Activities of daily living” (ADL) means the functions or tasks for self-care which are performed either independently or with supervision or assistance. Activities of daily living include at least mobility, transferring, walking, grooming, bathing, dressing and undressing, eating, and toileting.   “Adult day health care center” means a facility or a distinct part of a facility which is licensed by the State Department of Health to provide preventive, diagnostic, therapeutic, and rehabilitative services under medical supervision to meet the needs of functionally impaired adult clients who are not related…

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    Roger is 77-years-old. Roger is two years post-ischemic stroke. He attends ADC two days per week while Betty, Roger’s wife, runs errands and has time alone. Their children live in other states and Betty is his sole caregiver. Roger uses a wheelchair, has poor vision, impaired judgment, increased fall risk, is unable to verbally communicate effectively and requires medication several times each day. “Adult day care has been a lifesaver for us. I know I could not do this myself,” says Betty. While at the ADC, the staff monitor Roger’s vital signs, observe for physical and cognitive changes, administer medications throughout the day and assist him with his toileting needs.…

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    Grants for Adult Day Care

    Social Services Block Grant The Social Services Block Grant is a federal program that awards funds to states for the provision of social services. Although states determine which agencies and projects can receive the funds, the United States Department of Health and Human Services reports that one type of program supported by these grants is adult daycare. Furthermore, the grant is intended to help individuals become independent, self-sufficient and to reduce neglect. Organizations starting an adult daycare center can learn more about opportunities through their states by contacting their state departments of social services. Administration on Aging Grants Because many people consuming adult daycare centers are the elderly, the Administration…

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    Nearly 78% of adult day centers are operated on a nonprofit or public basis, while the other 22% are for-profit. Seventy percent of adult day centers are affiliated with larger organizations such as home care, skilled nursing facilities, medical centers, or multi-purpose senior organizations. The average age of the adult day center care recipient is 72, with two-thirds of them being women. About 35% of seniors in adult day care live with an adult child, while 20% live with a spouse, 18% in an institutional setting, 13% with parents or other relatives, and 11% live alone. Nationwide, 52% of adult day center clients have some form of cognitive impairment. Daily…

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    Activities Calendar

      MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY (FMS) = Fine Motor Skills Activities w/o/ = Workout       1. (AM) – Bingo / 11 am Stretch Exercise W/ Donald / Brain storming session / 1pm Lunch / Hand over hand wood block & yarn, Lacing cards, peg boards / (Art) Rainbow Collage/ (PM) Exercise w/ chairs   2. (AM)- 9:30 AM Dance Exercise W/ Charles – Michael Jackson (tribute) / Empower Hour W/Mobley / Cards (Uno Game) / 1pm Lunch /(PM) (Art) Rainbow Hand Print / Bingo /(PM) Exercise Small Weights W/Danold 5. (AM) 9:30 Book Club Library Trip / 11AM Crossword Puzzle Activity / 12:15 Yoga w/ Iliana /…

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    Biden’s 400 Billion Dollar Plan

    There’s widespread agreement that it’s important to help older adults and people with disabilities remain independent as long as possible. But are we prepared to do what’s necessary, as a nation, to make this possible? That’s the challenge President Biden has put forward with his bold proposal to spend $400 billion over eight years on home and community-based services — a major part of his $2 trillion infrastructure plan. It’s a “historic and profound” opportunity to build a stronger framework of services surrounding vulnerable people who need considerable ongoing assistance, says Ai-jen Poo, director of Caring Across Generations, a national group advocating for older adults, individuals with disabilities, families and caregivers.…