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Adult Day Care Manuals Consultants

Manuals to Start an Adult Day Care Center

ADULT DAY CARE TRAINING - What is Adult day Care and what are the basics?– $250.00

This step-by-step guide on how to start an adult day care center combines the history, philosophy, and the Start-up Phases of an Adult Day Care Center. Such topics covered are: Four (4) Types of Adult Day Care Centers, Zoning, What to look for in a building for you center, Building design, What Role does Adult Day Care play in the long term continuum of care today, National Statistics, Policy and Procedures, Employees, Start-up Staff and more.

After ordering this course, we will also mail to you a Starter Manual with your state regulations and 2 Year Profit & Loss Excel Spreadsheets for calculating costs and a Operational Program Manual.

Adult Day Care Training Course #2- Marketing and Admissions – $250.00

Marketing, intake and admissions, the essential part of a successful adult day care center, may be resolved in few short words, “get your messagbe out”. This course will cover procedures to which you must adhere for successful marketing, intake and admissions, such as: The positive qualities of an admission person, knowledge and experience of an admission person, the modern method of marketing, tangible and intangible service, selling on two levels, soft sell, financial information, handling telephone inquiries, and the interview a crucial hour.

After ordering this course, you will be e-mailed a FULL COLOR TWO SIDED ADULT DAY CARE MARKETING BROCHURE


This employee training course meets the guidelines for states requiring training . This course covers the following topics:

  • Body Mechanics for the Geriatric population
  • Body Mechanics Glossary
  • Body Mechanics Assessment
  • Posture
  • Two person & one Person assist
  • ADL’s & IADL’s
  • Ambulation
  • Eating & drinking
  • Transferring to a wheelchair
  • Toileting
  • Personal Hygiene
  • Self-Administering Medication
  • Employee & Participant Handwashing
  • Emergency Procedures
  • Bomb Threat
  • Goals of an adult day care center
  • Roles of the employees
  • Emergency Procedures – Sheltering in Place, Fire Drills, Bio-Terrorism, Evaluation of an Emergency Disaster, Fire Codes
  • Abuse and Neglect

Needs Assessment for an Adult Day Care Center Project

Our Senior Living study of two counties in a state of your choice can be an effective tool to clarify problems and identify appropriate interventions or solutions to community needs for the elderly . By clearly identifying the population, finite resources can be directed towards developing and implementing a feasible and applicable solution to your logistic needs. Gathering appropriate and sufficient data allows you to make informed decisions to create an effective product, your adult day care center, and will address the groups needs and wants of your elderly population. Our senior Living study analysis is focused on your chosen area and provides concrete evidence that can be used to determine which of the possible means-to-the-ends are most effective and efficient for achieving your desired results.

Click HERE to see example of senior living study

Call Now for pricing


This package includes the following

  • Starter Manual
  • Techniques for Successful Intake & Admisions
  • Conducting a Needs Analysis for an Adult Day Care Center
  • Transportation
  • The Human Factor in Starting Your Own Business
  • Activities Book


This package includes the following

  • Policies and Procedures DIY
  • Starter Manual
  • Adult Day Care Forms
  • Activities Book
  • How to become a Medicaid Provider
  • Transportation

Standard Operating Procedures For Adult Day Care Center – $750.00

This adult day care company operating manual is a handbook that lists all the written instructions for an organization's essential tasks. Employees can reference the SOP manual to answer any SOP procedures. The procedures in this manual are: MISSION, ADMISSIONS, ATTENDANCE, OPENING/CLOSINGS, CONDUCT, DRESS CODE, SUSPENSION/TERMINATION, FEES, LIABILITY, TRANSPORTATION, TEMPERATURE CONTROL, EMERGENCY PLAN, PERSONNEL.


This Employee Training Course prepares and teaches your staff how to handle All emergencies, Body Mechanics Training (for example: How to properly lift someone from a chair), Activities of Daily Living Instruction and training, and Infection Control training. Subjects include: Emergency Preparedness Plan; Fire or Other Emergency Within the Center; Evacuation Plan; Sheltering in Place Plan; Drills; Participant Quarterly Fire Safety Training; Other Weather-Related Emergencies; Bio Terrorism; Evaluation of Disaster Emergency; Power Outage Procedures; Bomb Threat Phone Checklist; Medical Emergencies; Dementia & Alzheimer's Disease Training; Body Mechanics Training; Activities of Daily Living and Instrumental Activities of Daily Living Training; Universal Precautions / Infection Control.


The employee handbook covers the major topics of: Purpose of this Handbook for employees, Employment Practices and Procedures for Selection, Hiring and Termination, Harassment/Offensive Behavior, Procedure for Complaints, Confidentiality, Probationary Periods, In-Service Education, Leave of Absences, General Work Rules, Appearance, Emergency Procedures, Compensation and Employee Health Benefits. It is customizable to your company and employee benefits packages because it comes with a disk which can be downloaded to your computer.

The participant handbook will allow your participants to feel comfortable being able to read your Company Philosophy, Employee's names and job titles, Important phone numbers for emergency and weather related closings, hours of operation, Activities, Meals and Participant's Rights. This Participant's handbook, in Word and on a disk ,allows you to customize the handbook to your center and state qualifications.


This manual is designed to take you through the process of starting an adult day care center step-by-step from the beginning to operation. The manual covers the History and Definition of Adult Day Care, National Demographics, Care Giver Information, Community Needs Assessment, Design of a Center, 2 different Site Plans of a Physical Facility, Zoning, Renting or Leasing a building, Pictures of Furniture, Check List of Equipment needed from Medical Supplies to Dish Washer, Projected Time Table, Free Standing Center or Operating Within a Health Care Facility, Food Service, Ranges of Care, Transportation, Budget, Calculating Cost and Charges, Funding Sources, Activities, Marketing, Public Relations, Forms, Statistics, 2 Profit and Loss Statements for Year 1 & Year 2 in Excell Spreadsheet on Disc, Plus your State Regulations

Please indicate state required:



This consulting package is designed to take you through the process of starting a social adult day care center in New York step-by-step from the beginning to operation. This package contains the following: HMO and Managed Care, Medicaid and Medicare, Forms ,Transportation, Design and Floor Plans, Activities, Emergency and Disaster Plan, New York State Regulations, NY social adult day care policies and procedures ,State check list for social adult day care inspection.


NY Social Policies and Procedures customized to your center, has passed for all managed care in all 5 boroughs.


This manual is composed of two complete state approved adult day care policies and procedures manuals from which to choose and/or adopt to your specifications. The manuals have blank spaces for your convenience in which to type the name of your center and/or state. The manuals comply with the most stringent State Medicaid Regulations. This manual will save months of time and money for you compared to writing an adult day care policies and procedures manual yourself. These operational manuals address Licensing and Certification, Governing Authority, Administration, Client Care Policies, Plans of Care, Nursing and Medical Services, Pharmaceutical, Dietary, Social Services, Physical, Dental Services, Medical Records, Housekeeping, Quality Assurance Program, Job Descriptions.


This manual is composed of one complete state approved social adult day care policies and procedures manuals from which to use and/or adopt to your State specifications. The manual have blank spaces for your convenience in which to type the name of your center and/or state. The manuals comply with the most stringent State Regulations. This manual will save months of time and money for you compared to writing a social adult day care policies and procedures manual yourself. This operational manuals address Policy and Procedures for a social adult day care, Elopement Risk Assessment and Elopement Checklist, Medication Policy, Emergency Procedure Training Checklist, Discharge form, New Service Plan, Staffing Plan, Service Delivery, Participants Rights, Dietary, Social Services, Job Descriptions.

Please call 484-786-8059 to order.

For California – $4100

Customizing the integration of state regulations and state specific policies into the creation of a policies and procedures manual for your particular center is a time consuming exacting, tedious project when one's time is limited. We will create your state specific policy and procedures manual for Adult Medical Day Care or for your Adult Social Day Care. Each policy and procedures manual is customized for the approval of your state license. Our team has successfully written state specific policies and procedures manuals for 21 years. We can write any policy that your state requires for your center. You will always be able to speak with a consultant concerning any of your questions.

Please call 484-786-8059 to order.


Driver Job Description, Driver Training, Federal Funding for transportation by state, Policies Statements, Transportation Procedures, Transportation Information Sheets, Seat Belts, Assist Handles, Steps, Loading and Unloading, Accident Reporting, Clients Needing Assistance, Fueling and Maintenance, Speeds, Routes, Cellular Phones, Vehicle Maintenance, Escorting Clients, Unauthorized Stops, Waiting, Driver Safety, Van Specifications, Listing of Transportation Sources, etc, etc, etc.

Adult Day care Business pan for an Alzheimers center – $300.00

Uniquely formed with the Area Agency on Aging this business plan consists of the Organization, Local Steering Committee, Market Analysis, Marketing Plan, Operations Plan, Core Services, Management and Staffing Overview, Facility & Equipment Requirements, Financial Plan ,Income, Six Month Pilot program and Income for Pilot Program .


This easy to use guide contains plans that maximize operational efficiency, and minimize client risk. 7 (seven) 24" X 36" floor plans are being used by the most successful adult day care centers in the country. Furniture list, Planning the Facility, Design Overview.


125 froms on disk and in word as well as PDF. Use adobe acrobat to print right on the form, save it in a file or print it out and place it in your clients file. Add your logo to customize forms or have us Customize your forms for you. All logo's should be in jpg format. Admission Agreement, Incident Report, Medication Chart, Individual Care Plans, Emergency Procedures, Fire Drill Report, Medication Summary, Nursing Assessement Forms, Social Service, Therapy & Nutrition, Staff In-Service Forms, Employee Evaluation, Living Will, Employee Application, Administrative, Nursing, Activities, Social Work, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Dietary, Transportation and more.

Please call 484-786-8059 to order customized forms


This Adult Day Care Group Emergency and Disaster Procedure Manual outlines the emergency procedures necessary to successfully cope with evacuation, flooding disasters, major equipment failures, electrical failures, and bomb threats. Also covered are general fire procedures, medical emergencies, as well as fire prevention procedures, epidemic, poisoning, communicable diseases, unusual occurrence incidents, and transportation emergency plan. Each Emergency Manual is personalized to your state, one county and one city.

Please indicate state required:


This manual is created to assist Adult Day Care Centers and Assisted Living Facilities to deal effectively with Dementia and Alzheimer's residents. This manual will help recognize the symptoms, mannerisms, stages of illness and coping strategies with a Dementia or Alzheimer's client. It also provides indoor and outdoor living for the dementia client including: room design, building design and outdoor environmental designs and a program for Alzheimer's patients.


Activities for Cognitive Therapy, Men's club, Community interaction and for Memory Care Activities Manual

This one of a kind, easy to follow, creative activity book is designed to brighten the spirits of your center's guests with Cognitive Therapeutic Exercises, Memory Care Activities, Horticultural Therapy, No-Bake Recipes and Community Out-Reach Activities was produced to assist activity directors and staff with Clients interest from the age of 18 and older in mind.

One activity is the creation of a container garden of herbs. This activity is formatted in two such ways; one for non-memory care participants and one activity especially formatted for Memory Care participants. This activity comes complete with a 19 page herb guide, basic steps and products for planting and two articles documenting the positive outcomes from Horticultural Therapy.

Activities are separated by subject. Easy to follow procedure and colorful graphic work book pages that may be copied and handed out to participants for the activity, plus related articles completes the book.

One unique feature of this book is the Community Out-Reach Section. As your participants have fun, for example creating baby blankets for hospitals (all knitting and crocheting patterns included) your center and clients will get the attention and promotion it deserves by the community. Extend the fun from your clients in your center to the community and watch how your center will grow...and then start the Horticultural Activities to extend the growth!


The Human Factor offers sophisticated business experiences and observations that only the seasoned executive knows. This information will be extremely valuable to you at every level of business. Usually this is the information that costs time and money to learn. Topics: (Thoughts and questions you might have hesitated to verbalize) - (Always ask questions, don't assume) - (Advice from advice givers, be careful) - (Choosing an expert, accountant, lawyer, etc.) - (Pessimists give advice too) - (Partners, good or bad) - (How to recognize and deal with the takers) - (Investors, better than partners) - (How to evaluate ideas) - (Starting out on your own, what you might encounter) - (Negotiate before you think legal remedies).

Dr. Justin Longnecker's quote from The Human Factor


This valuable resource manual tells what investors and lenders are looking for in your and the industry in which your business will operate; it matches your financing options with the appropriate lending organizations. Includes a Sample Balance Sheet and Income Statements. Covers such topics as Preferred Finanicng Providers; Preparing The Loan Request; Writing a Business Plan; Planning to Raise Equity Capital; Start-Up Financing; Equipment Leasing; Community Loan Developement; SBA Micro Loans; Asset Based Loans; Bank Term Loans; SBA Loan Guarantees; SBA Guaranteed Real Estate and Fixed Assets Loans; Royalty Financing; Small Business Investment Companies; Federal Programs: SBIR, STTR, SPT; Venture Capital and Angel Investors; Initial and Direct Public Offerings.


This manual describes, in just a few steps, how to get a Medicaid Provider Number, a HIPAA mandate, in order to submit claims to the government for Medicaid reimbursement. It provides the appropriate governmental agency phone numbers and address for each state, it explains how to get a Medicaid application, and finally, it is an easy to read simplification of what otherwise might be confusing.


Please contact Adult Day Care Group regarding our on-site consulting packages, for your proposed or existing adult day care facility. Call 484-786-8059. Let Adult Day Care Group save you time and money.

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