Contact Us: 484-786-8059 or Email Us

Adult Day Care Manuals Consultants

Adult Day Care Consulting

When the services of an on-site consultant are needed for your project, please contact us to determine your requirements. We provide complete Facility Start-up packages; Market Feasiblity Studies; Assistance with completing state applications for licensure; Coordination of Architectural Services; Facility Start-up Management; Business and Operational improvement strategies.

State Specific Applications

Adult Day Care Group Consultants can complete your state application paper work, assemble your state's required attachments, complete all regulatory requirement so that your application is fully complete for state review. During this time, there will be personal contact with a consultant by telephone, email or Skype. All state requirements differ, please call for a quote.

Package 1: State Specific Policy and Procedures, Completed Application , Medicaid application

Package 2: Personal State Survey Preparation

Package 3: Second State Survey Preparation and Correction of Deficiencies

Start-Up Presentation

Our consultant will give a Power Point presentation to you and your group on-site or by Internet, specfiic to your state, county on Adult Medical Day Care, Social Adult Day Care. This presentation will illustrate the necessary integration of components of an adult day care center. Further, there will be a Q&A session afterward.

Adult Day Care Start-Up

Adult Day Care Group Consultants have been starting adult day care centers nationally and internationally for 21 years with our How-to Manuals as well as with our on-site consulting. We will assist you in starting an adult day care center from inception, to state inspection, to licensure, to opening day. We will remain as your consultants for one year after your center has opened. After which, you may contact us whenever you need to do so. Each project is different, please call for a quote. Our prices are reasonable, we want you to succeed.

Guidence and Support Consulting Package

Through phone calls, email and/or Skype this consulting package, offered for 1 month, 3 months or 6 months, will save you time and money by utilizing our 35 years of National experience starting up Adult Day Care Centers. Let us do the research, contact state licensing departments, make sure your Architectural plans do not sit on someones desk, zoning, building design assistance. Ask us the questions to help make the start-up process trouble free.

Please call for details 484-786-8059.

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